Show // Multi-Story & The Big Changeover
Creative Leads // Written & Directed by Samuel Bacon & Poppy Brian-Boys
Musical Director - Tom Sergeant
Theme // Intergenerational Learning & Cancel Culture
Partners // Harrow School
Funding // Arts Council
Performance Venue // Ryan Theatre, Harrow School
Set in a block of flats where nothing works and the walls aren’t the only thing starting to show cracks… Ghosts are haunting the residents. Older residents are fixing everything with gaffa tape. New residents are just making tiktoks all day long. And the poor builders trying desperately to hold it all together. Will they figure out how to work together to save these sacred walls?
A musical all about heroes and villains. We have all heard their stories but now it’s time for a change, you see the old heroes and villains in fairytales are getting too old for this kind of work so they have been training their young ones to take over telling their stories. But are the new heroes and villains ready to fill such big shoes? This musical explores cancel culture, exploring one’s identity and what it means to write your own story.
“Excellent, spirited, brave and
funny performances from everyone.
Really great!!.”
(Audience Feedback, 2024)